OMG! That's crazy, especially when he told you to call this week. Like he didn't know he was going on vacation?
I don't blame you a bit for being frustrated, I would be feeling exactly the same way. I am sorry that I don't have any words of advice for you. Just wanted to let you know that I understand waiting is the hardest part. Especially when you are expecting to know the results on a specific day and then find out that it could be more than a week after that! I wonder if the doctor who is "on call" for him could help you?
You know, it would be really nice to get what you pay for when it comes to health care (even if you have insurance it's not like they don't make a pretty penny off of you). I went to a new doc yesterday, and his office visit was $220. I had to pay a $20 copay. Anyway, he wasn't in the room with me very long, and I would have been really p!$$ed off if I had paid $220.
I hope you know something soon, sending alot of hugs and smiles your way!
P.S. - I noticed on the "What You Hate Most about IBD" thread that you mentioned teaching. I am going into my second year of teaching. I hope you are enjoying your summer even in light on the stress your colon and doctor are putting you through!