Ok, sorry for the title of thread but I couldn't resist..... But yes, that is my claim to fame...... I can hold it in for hours- smiling and talking as sickening pain and pressure shoots through my mid section - always waiting until I get home for release. (Old story: bodily functions treated as almost shameful or rude in childhood causing something like a "shy colon")
I have done this for years and years including during UC flares. In fact I think it was from such long practice of endurance that I was able to experience two unmedicated labors with barely a whimper.
The few accidents I have had was during the night when nocturnal diarrhea was still a new thing. But basically, well, I use the spincter of steel to keep everything in its place until I'm in a comfortable space which usually means home.
However, 5 weeks ago I had fistulotomy (kyptonite!) which involved an incision through my sphincter muscle and well, to be blunt, now gas just arrives at my formally secure exit and hardly slows before loudly blowing on through..... No Matter Where I Am.
Obviously I find this very embarrassing. Also I am having some leakage which is also disheartening. Also, like murphy's-law-icing-on-the-cake, I have been feeling well enough to get back to running regularly but find that toward the end of my run I am having some urinary incontinence as well. And I kegel!
Honestly, I just had to whine about this. I hate losing control of anything and I can't imagine bringing this up in pretty much any conversation I have had recently with family or friend...so thanks for reading.