Yeah, tell me about
that love/hate thing! I have this fear that my insurance "folder" or whatever has a giant red post-it flag on it... "Watch out for this one! She's costing us a mint! Let's drop her ASAP!". I never felt that way 'til I saw Michael Moore's movie, Sicko. See, it's not really how your insurance company allots remicade in your benefits, it's how the facility bills it. That'll be the determing factor as to how much, if any, you will pay. If "my" hospital billed it as outpatient surgery, I'd be liable for $250- since they bill it as chemo, I'm liable for $0. And I know my BCBS HMO most definitely does not consider remicade chemo! Good luck with your new insurance- make sure you get all your referrals & prior auth.s submitted (& approved!) before you get that next infusion.