doors12 said...
Just to clarify my comments and so as not to offend unintentionally, I agree with you pb4. Most of my points (or lack thereof depending on who you ask) are simply trying to say what you said above. I just don't want fellow UC sufferers, or myself, to feel like UC is caused by poor coping skills, lack of stress management etc.
I know we get into the 'trigger' talk with UC, but at some point the mainstream models like that always end in nonsense for me. I feel like they rationalize things because they don't know the answers, and it gets me angry to see science rationalizing.
I feel that UC, or the unknown disease process behind UC, itself causes many other problems for folks and that if scientists find the disease process and can therefore treat the cause directly, people may experience significant benefits suddenly in areas that might have been previously considered to be in the arena of mental health.
Anyway, I'll shut up now.
I totally get where you're comming from doors, I think alot has to do with people are not always clarifying the difference between "cause" and "trigger", it's easy enough to lose the translation when you're trying to get points across, but patience is a virtue...Many times I've expressed that in order for the disease to be "triggered" one must FIRST be predisposed to the disease...the other sticky thing about it is the fact that so much still needs to be learned and yet many have already decided one way or another what does or doesn't cause's why I like sitting on the fence, how can you say for sure one way or the other when science hasn't even decided (due to fact), I hate ruling any possibility out because if I do that then I'd get stuck on one thing being the reason why I'm sick...and chances are there are many more factors then what I even realize.
It is important to remember though, that the body and mind is completely hear stories about women who can cause their breasts to produce milk because they want a baby so bad, or they miss months of periods because they are convinced they are pregnant when infact they are not.
The mind is a powerful thing, we use a very small percentage of our brains as it is...imagine how different the world would be if we used all of our brain....maybe our bodies couldn't handle it.