Hi Linda...you're welcome regarding the email.
Here's a good info site on MC.
I would say if you can use Metamucil..use it.
Don't us imodium unless you're going somewhere and cannot use the bathrooms.
Totally sucks regarding your doctor and not being able to get in to see her often. Maybe an appointment every 2 months for the year will help get you established with meds and less frustrated.
The other option is to call your GP, make an appointment and get referred to another GI.
If you can use the suppositories..use them...up to 3 times a day..with the doc's OK tho.
Biofeedback is where the mind is used to control body symptoms such as pain, anxiety, stress, blood pressure..etc.
After you eat, it'll trigger peristalsis and if there's anything in the sigmoid, it'll download to the rectum. Normal...it's what I wait for every morning.
It's possible that what's coming out is mucus or pus or both...depending on how much inflammation you have in there or if you have an infection.
You could ask your doctor if you could have stool samples done to make sure ... if it's persistent and your symptoms aren't improving.
It would be nice for you to start feeling better soon.