kim123 said...
Hey, Ash...nice to hear from you again. Glad to hear you are still well. From my understanding, yeast IS fungus. I agree that foods may affect certain people more than others. I guess it depends on how strong our immune system is. If it is weakened, goes into overload, and can't fight the irritants/allergies (fungus or otherwise) anymore, it manifests symptoms of disease, with varying degrees of symptoms.
bbc- On a scale of 1-10 after I went on the diet, I would have to say that at about the 2 week mark of being on the program, I felt 10+++, (whereas before the diet, I felt below 0). I had TONS more energy, I felt I could do anything and go anywhere, whereas before, I was chained to the bed or couch, especially before and after a BM. I couldn't do anything with my family. My husband was always the one to go out and do fun activities with our 2 daughters. I was a new women. That was during Winter 2002. In summer 2006, I threw caution to the wind, started eating anything I wanted (being on teacher's summer vacation and all!), drinking wine more often, eating a whole lot of processed foods with yeast, even bread which I knew was BAD for me, so I had a relapse. Bad girl! My doctor told me I would need to be on drugs for a long time. He told me my insides looked like ground hamburg. So, guess what I did...I went back on the diet, and within a week, all symptoms disappeared, again. I am now still symptom-free/drug free as of 2006. That's how I know that for me, my UC was fungus related. Cause/effect.
I learned my lesson. I know that for the rest of my life, I will need to monitor what goes into my mouth. No problem. It sure beats the heck out of all the pain and suffering I endured with my UC symptoms. I now eat to live, not live to eat. I don't even like bread anymore. Your tastes change after you get rid of the toxins and fungus in your body because it is the fungus that is making you crave those foods. Craving sugar, bread, pasta can be a sure indicator of a fungal problem. It is parasitic.
No one can talk you into trying something that you aren't prepared or willing to do, and you shouldn't feel bad about it. There may come a day, however, that like me, you are just so sick and tired of being sick and tired, that you are willing to try anything, even when it seems foolish or useless to consider. My doctors had always told me I would be wasting my time changing my diet. I believe it's because they aren't educated in the field of mycology (fungus), so they just don't know. They learn in medical school which drugs help with the effects of particular symptoms/illnesses. They usually don't spend time trying to find the cause.
Thanks Kim...Since we UC'ers have to eat bland when in a flair how in the world does on survive and or keep any weight on without any carbs...I mean there is only so much protien one can eat.
When I'm in a flair if I eat very bland foods ie white toast, white rice, egg noodles(no yolk's) chicken noodle soup etc I seem to get better but thats all carbs and carbs have sugar; but if my sugar intake goes up via sweets, I can feel the negative effects almost immediately.
Please also share with us a typical days of foods you consume.
Thanks again : )