Hi all. I am newly diagnosed with Crohn's/UC. I am actually still in the diagnosing stage I think. I started bleeding in June/July 2007. I had a colonoscopy done in Aug, which came back fine so they told me that it probably was internal hemmorhoids. They never saw any though. In Feb/March of this year the bleeding began to really increase, with tons of mucous and bloating. The doctor visits always ended with, well these are hemmorhoids, good scope, ect. I even saw a surgeon about
these "hemmorhoids", and the surgeon said that although he couldn't see them he never saw so much blood before and it was obviously hemmorhoids. He opted that I wait until I was anemic until I did surgery.
In August I began to bleed heavily, much worse than a menstrual cycle. I called the doctor and pretty much begged them to give me another scope. He actually told me that with my good scope last year he wouldn't do another on me for 5 years. I kept telling him something was not right. They did a sigmoidscope that week and could only check a few centimeters because the ulceration was so severe.
I am actually with a new doctor now. The biopsies came back as UC/Crohn's. I am not sure why they named them both. I am having an endoscopy done next week, as well as another colonscopy. They are looking to see how far the disease is.
I have had non stop pain in my stomach since August. I am hoping it has to do with the steroids. I am scared to eat because the pain and bloating gets worse after I eat for about 4-5 hours.
As far as tests they gave me a CT test with contrast and barium. I am not sure what the CT test would show as far as this disease goes. They said it looked positive.
I also did the breathe test looking for bacteria, which was negative.
I am down to 30 prednisone a day now, but noticed I am having more bm's now.
I am a little confused, discouraged, the pain really can get me down.
Sometimes I take benedryl to help me to sleep at night. Other than that I am on Lialda. I was on suppositories, but they said I could probably stop them.
So there is my story. Thank you everyone who has posted here and shared your stories. I am trying to educate myself, and it helps to see other people have lives with this.