My husband has been on high dose prednisone to treat his UC since May 2008. He's not in remission yet. He has just started the specific carbohydrate diet, and is really optimistic about
the diet's potential. We understand, however, that it can take a while to get to remission on the diet. Meanwhile, he needs to get off of the prednisone, but he's still having up to 5 BMs a day with some other symptoms. Does anyone have any experience tapering prednisone while on the diet? Can he start tapering before he's in remission? How can he introduce and know whether he tolerates new foods if he is simultaneously changing the dose of his medication? He's currently taking 60 mg, and the longer he is on it the worse the side effects seem to get. At what point do the long-term/permanent risks of prednisone outweigh the benefit of being on it?
His gastroenterologist recommends Remicade -- he is afraid to start down that path because of the side effects, particularly lymphoma for which he has a family history. He'd like to give the SCD a chance to work, but needs to get off the prenisone ASAP. We'll certainly appreciate any advice from those who've dealt with this dilemma.