well, finally saw my doctor (gp) yesterday for colonoscopy results (from last thursday) and the news is not good.
the only good news is that my whole colon is not affected.
it is only in the descending colon and sigmoid colon... not the rectum or rest of colon.
bit weird doc said that the rectum is fine... they're not sure whats going on there.
but... the bad news...
i have "florid" confluent left sided colitis.
i didnt know what 'florid' meant, so i asked doc and he said that is the 'worst' word they have for it. it cant get any worse in that spot. it means that there is absolutely NO LINING left there.
the confluent means its not patchy and is affecting the entire area.
it is very severe.
and, get this, 'im gonna be in a lot of pain'... sheesh, tell me something new please.
ive starting involuntarily puking when i go to the toilet due to pain being so bad. good fun.
had a burrito tonite and half hour later had to run to the toilet and vwhalla! up came the burrito into a nice old grocery bag that i have stashed by the loo.
just proves that its not the food you eat that makes UC hurt right away.
its anytime you eat and you salivate to digest the food that the colon gets 'moving' to make room for new stuff on its way. the pain is from the food eaten ages ago and needs to exit.
been given 25mg of prednisone and starting pentasa tomorrow (through both ends) ..suppositories and granules.
i guess we'll see how it goes.
doc said it will be hard to heal if things keep passing over the 'florid' area, but how do you stop that? impossible. like rubbing an open wound so it cant scab up. great! this is gonna be fun.