Posted 12/3/2008 5:44 PM (GMT 0)
Just released from a 6 day hospital stay. Diagnosed w/pancolitis. New meds include prednisone which spikes my blood sugar so they put me on two types of insulin and yesterday had my second infusion of remicade. I am overwhelemed, first with the diagnosis which was news to me and now the lifestyle changes. Here is how I got to where I am today.
In Sept 2006 I was diagnosed with stage IIIA breast cancer. Had severe intestinal distress after my second chemo (TAC taxitatere, adriamyicin, cytoxin) treatment. Was sent to a GI who mentioned begining signs of right side UC. Continuing cancer treatment was top priority and the UC symptoms went away.
June 2008 bloody diahrrea began no pain/cramping. Sept was put on Asacol, had adverse reactions and exaserbation of symptoms. The GI doubled the dose to 2 pills 3x daily. Within three days I could not walk due to joint pain, day four severe distress. GI continued downplaying symptoms. Finally when I told him I had difficulty breathing he immediately stopped asacol. Most of the adverse reactions stopped immediately.
In the mean time I had been to a prescheduled appt with my oncologist, who did a CBC. I lost 3 pints blood in the four weeks on asacol and all other blood levels dropped. She recommended a GI Clinic if I did not like the response from my GI for an immediate colonoscopy. With a copy of my new CBC in hand, he put me off another four weeks for a colonoscopy.
Within a week I contacted my oncologist who called the GI Clinic. I was seen the next day and had the colonoscopy the next Friday. I was admitted that day for emergency treatment of pancolitis. After a few days on IV steroids and insulin I stopped loosing blood and BMs decreased. Because of the condition of my bowel, the best choice for me is remicade. I am blessed and pleased that my symptoms are controlled.
Now I am adjusting to the lifestyle changes, I am overwhelmed. I also have ADD and all this organizing and making myself eat 3 x daily is making me crazy. Then trying to make a diet from low-residue food and diabetic food is madness. They're diametrically opposed. I am sticking to soft canned food and protein. I am starving all the time and despritely want something CRUNCHY.
To me the pancolitis is worse condition then the breast cancer. Has anyone else had to begin insulin and steroids at the same time? The docs say that when I am off steroids most likely I will also go of the insulin. But who knows how long that will be. I am tapering down, on 20 mg for another five days. Unknown after that. Had a CBC two days ago my HGB 10.7, the oncologist says may need to stay on predisone for a while yet. How long are people on prednisone?
If you have tips on how to mange steroids, food cravings and insulin Id sure like to hear from you.