My doctor just prescribed cortifoam for me. After only a few days it seems to be helping me, so I am hopeful of even more symptom relief as I use it for a longer time.
I am not able to follow the directions about filling the applicator with foam that are on the back of the box.
The directions say to hold down on the flanges for 1 - 2 seconds, then release and wait 5 - 10 seconds for the foam to expand in the applicator barrel. The foam does not expand. It is just the same amount as gets in the applicator by pressing down on the flanges.
Then, the directions say to repeat the process until the applicator reaches the fill line. I keep pressing the flanges, waiting 10 seconds in between presses. After about 5 presses, no more foam will come out of the aerosol can into the applicator.
When I get to this point, the narrow part of the applicator is filled and there is barely any foam in the wider part of the applicator. The foam is well below the fill line on the applicator.
Does anyone have any insight on this? I think this is working so well for me, I can only imagine if I could get the full dose each time!
Thanks for reading.