Hi puddle-duck and Robin,
Thank you for your kind words. I've thought long and hard after reading your posts that I cannot blame him solely for his actions on Saturday. He is a wonderful guy for me with his own quirks just like everyone else. I guess the shock and anger has not worn off yet towards him. All he said on Saturday was that he wants a break and will only speak to me on the weekends (Saturday or Sunday). I felt I had no say in the matter. I couldn't even fumble the words out because I honestly didn't know what to say. I couldn't defend myself because its been happening several times now. He requested me to get help a few months ago. I just ignored it. Why does it take a serious scare like this to make a person realize what they've been doing wrong?
Thanks Robin for all of your advice. I've been heading into my scrapbooking hobby and also plan to get into excerise again. I thought about doing kickboxing to get rid of tension.
I just miss being the old Heather I used to be. I believe I lost her after my divorce and never made the effort to get her back. Its definitely time to take matters into my own hands.
I know this sounds really childish but I removed all of the pictures of m y bf and me from my bedroom, keys, classroom, etc. I just couldn't go through the day with a picture of him staring at me in the face.
I hope in the end, things will work out for me and Brian. Only time will tell. I really do love him but like everyone has said including my parents: I need to love myself FIRST. I also want to find out why I have the anger outburts, etc.
Hopefully, in the end, it will be a learning experience for both of us. Only time will tell, right?
Thanks again. Robin- I will DEFINITELY e-mail you later today. If you want, my personal e-mail is on my profile. You can always write to me first and then I will reply.