New to be diagnosed with UC, within the past 6 months, but have been suffering for at least 10+ years. I dont even know where to begin with all the symtpoms, medications, etc. Happy to know that other people deal with these type of "anal" issues. I had no idea it was so popular and this many people have the pleasure of experiencing this. right....
Most people, as it appears, are used to the prednisone (which was wonderful at 40mg), but I have come to not like it so. The moonface and weight gain dont work so well for someone with an eating disorder. I cant believe since this last "flare" episode, now lasting at least the last year and yet to be in remission, calls for so many medications and side effects. Side effects include anxiety, depression, and a very new horrible arthritis. Apparently I cannot take the mescaline drugs due to bad reactions and am about to begin remicade. Very scary at first...I thought it was a shot in the rear. Come to find out it was 2 hours worth or an intravenous drug! Left that appointment the other day crying, cant believe this is a medication I HAVE TO have in order to live a "normal" life.
Anyway, lots to say, but dont know where to begin. Very happy my mother found this site and forwarded on. Feels good to have this support :)