pb4 said...
Eating real sugar isn't good for you, especially if you eat a lot, regardless if you're overweight or not or if you have diabetes or not, refined sugar (eating/drinking too much) has a long list of negatives associated with it, ask any regular doc and they'll tell you that too much refined sugar does affect your immune system, it lowers it leaving you open to health issues...at least an honest knowledgable doc will tell you.
Problem is too many people eat too much sugar, even the food guidelines say no more than 10mg of sugar in a day should be consumed, which is a very small amount and people in general go way overboard especially when they eat a lot of processed foods which happens to be full of refined sugar for taste and for preservation of the products.
LOL, I have had to get onto parents bringing in their sick kids drinking a biggie McDonalds coke. "It makes their sore throat feel better." You even have to be careful with juice and OJ as both can be full of sugar. Most people just don't know that sugar can kill the immune system up to 6 hours after ingesting it. I also keep a baggie full of around 10 teaspoons of sugar to get my point across on my soda drinkers. Especially the ones complaining about
getting sick alot.
You can get the madhava agave nectar off amazon by the case and it ends up being pretty cheap. It's my main choice for sweetening cereal, tea, coffee, shakes, sweetening desserts, and can even be used in some baking. Raw cane sugar my next preference, honey, stevia 4th, processed sugar 5th on my list. Sweet goodness.