Gurgling tummy, thank you for your taking the time to make sure I understood you. I am sorry that it has caused other hard feelings. We just all have to realize that mistakes are made, can be fixed and that all of us are here for one thing and that is to help one another the best we can...Molly
gurgling tummy said...
I'm sorry if you took my post to be harsher then it was. I knew that you didn't mean to take over the forum and that is why I said, "I'm sure that you didn't mean to" and I explained that the main topic was about someone trying to get help for her flight and the subject changed. No one means to hijack a thread something someone says just makes us think of another question. I have posted a thread before where I seriously needed help, my thread was hijacked and I never got the question answered. I would hate for that to happen to you.
As for kops2da rude comment about me just being a "member" and not a veteran member like her, I was in no way reprimanding anyone we have always been like a family to eachother and look out for one another, our moderators have a life too and can't be on every thread. I wa just trying to ensure that another member got the help she needed before her flight. It's because of rude people like you that I quit coming to this site years ago.
I wish you all well.