Yesterday, I became so angry at my disease and what it's taken away from me that I started crying at work (no one could see... I was in the bathroom).
I was depressed and unhealthy in high school, but I worked hard to lose 60 lbs and learn about nutrition and exercise and also attending counseling to resolve my mental health issues. Since that time, I've made good health inside and out a major priority for myself. And I've had a lot of success to that end. In just the last two years, I earned my black belt in taekwondo, learned to swing dance, and have clmbed many mountains in Korea.
And I can't do ANYTHING since I started UC symptoms. I get tired after just an hour or so, I've been missing TKD practices all the time, and I can't dance more than two or three songs without getting tired now. I hate it! It's like I'm that horribly unhealthy, depressed girl again. I have even told my fiance not to bother coming over because I'll be asleep before he gets to my house (it's about an hour drive).
And I'm not coping well with the emotional side of this. Because I feel like it's come out of nowhere for no reason.
I just feel SO frustrated.
And guilty. Because my UC is very mild compared to what a lot of you guys describe. And, in the grand scheme of things (especially with a mom with fibromyalgia and arthritis and a dad with diabetes just recently in remission from cancer), UC isn't even the worst disease one can have. But I'm just pissed. Because I worked so hard for my good health. And I feel like it's been taken away from me.
And I don't know what to do, but I just needed to share this all with someone. I wanted to feel like maybe I'm not so alone...