Thanks Quincy for your reply, I still haven't got a full diagnosis, biopsies taken during colonoscopy done last October by surgeon showed mild to moderate colitis (colon looked okay at time of colonoscopy but was not having symptoms at that time), when I do have symptoms the pain and discomfort is all down left side from under ribcage to groin so he suspects it may be left sided colitis. Previous colonoscopy I had proctitis. Have been referred to GI and he has decided to repeat colonoscopy which is tomorrow.
Used Klean prep for first colonoscopy but used picolax last time had some cramping with both, but this time as well as cramping the pain is very bad all down left side and gets worse after bowel motion which is very regular have taken second picolax this morning and have another one to take this evening. Spent the night awake with the pain. Did have some pain and discomfort before taking picolax.
I did have alot of of gurgling and gas down the left side last nite but that has settled now but pain is just as bad even worse at times.
(Have family history of crohn's so that has not totally been ruled out yet)