blueclassring said...
I wonder if IBD has anything to do with the increasing consumption of processed foods, mainly high fructose corn syrup. Old Hat, you do raise some interesting points.
Since being diagnosed with UC about
a year ago, this has been one of my main contentions as well. I am near certain that all of the crap foods that are available to us to eat (they're practically all there is now) in western countries is killing us slowly. I immediately started the SCD diet and this is what brings it to your attention that "good food" is so hard to find. It is sadly amazing that nearly every food item of the thousands on all those shelves in the grocery store has some sort of laboratory concocted additive in it. Luckily I live in a big city in SoCal so we have more and more healthy food stores to choose from- for a cost of course (expensive!).
Even the foods that I don't eat like breads, I still read the ingredients since my wife and kid eat them. It amazes me that almost every bag of bread now has HFCS in it, as well as all that other crap that doesn't need to be in bread. I can't help but wonder what the prevalence of IBD was pre 1970's when HFCS started coming into mass use, or what the prevalence was pre-WW2 before we started developing all these "advanced" foods.
I watched the documentary "The Future of Food" on the other day and it is a GOOD SHOW. It noted that 97% of the worlds edible plants/veggies were extinct by around 1900! Has anyone else heard of this claim? Heard the new movie "Food Inc" is coming out too, which is supposed to be full of great info as well...
Too bad none of us were into reading food ingredients before we got sick aye?! (of course the people who did knowledgeably read food ingredients aren't sick with IBD either are they)