I'll join the chorus & add my "NO"! Don't stop it-- because you could flare again soon. It's not worth the risk, especially if you had to use steroids to curb your most recent flare. The best plan of action against UC is to get stabilized & try your best to stay that way by taking maintenance med & adopting a healthy lifestyle as to diet, rest, & exercise. I agree that paying for RX meds can be a huge problem in the U.S., but better to research patient assistance programs, etc. than to abandon maintenance med. Most of us need to stay on at least one drug indefinitely. It might help your insomnia to take your evening dose earlier and/or adjust your mealtime, beware of caffeine if you drink coffee, especially-- to see if that helps you over a few weeks. My experience with 5-ASA oral meds is that I have to drink plenty of water thoughout the day to mitigate any side effects. / Old Hat (30 yrs with left-sided UC; taking brandname Colazal for maintenance)