My dh has had lower abd pain that got more frequent this last year. Dr thought it was his prostate. 2 wks ago had very painful episode, kept him up at night, and was tender to touch. pain was midline, below umbilicus, and mid abd on left side.He had one temp of 100.4. I thought diverticulitis and Dr agreed, but cat scan showed what looked like UC. He said there was thickening of the wall so it was chronic. We were leaving for vacation, he said go, and he should get a colonoscopy when he gets back. He has never had frank blood in his stools, not usually diarrhea, but does c/o feeling bloated and like he has more stool to come out. I'm really hoping he has a mild case since no bleeding. Anyway, I had started him on probiotics right away. Have since added fish oil. I am attempting aloe vera gel but he has not been able to tolerate the texture. He will have the colonoscopy soon, but I'm trying to get him health insurance before we have a definitive diagnosis. Any thoughts? Or anything else I can do while waiting?
Thanks, Stressed-out wife