Well, I guess I have to welcome you to the world of having both IBD and IBS, it's even crappier than having one or the other LOL!
Tips on dealing with IBS (that can actually aid with IBD as well) are fibre supplements daily, a good probiotic daily (and indefinitely for both), regular exercise daily, avoiding caffeine, animal fats, fatty foods, alcohol sugars (are apparently the worst for IBS) and pretty much all artificial sweetners, cutting out, or way down on refined sugar, avoiding pop/soda, spicey foods. If you can't do an exercise regime at least 4X/week then at least increasing your walking (by alot) is helpful and drinking lots of water...dairy/lactose intolerance can also be a common development with IBS too so pay attention to that.
Re; fibre supplements, use caps rather than powdered stuff which usually contains things like sorbitol which is a sugar alcohol that I mentioned above, anything ending in "tol" is a sugar alcohol which you should avoid completely...I use prodiem stool bulker and it's been great. Start with the lest amount (one cap) and always drink a full glass of water with it, increase only if necessary and after your system has ajusted to it (increased gas and bloating is normal and will stop once your system has adjusted).