My iron got worse over time. I don't think it was a certain point where I was losing too much blood, it was more the loss of blood for so long consistently. I take iron pills now and it seems to help quite a bit. I was going to need a transfusion if the iron pills didn't improve my situation. I never knew that many of my issues were rooted in the iron situation until my doctor called me with the test results. I was always out of breath, dizzy, extremely high heartrate, skinny, pale, cold and had low blood pressure. I would get winded walking across a room. Needless to say, I feel a lot better now. If you notice you're seeing these types of symptoms, you're probably getting anemic again. You should speak with your doctor about
iron pills, maybe you can use them to keep your iron up now that you will be improving. I probably wouldn't have gone to the hospital even if my doctor said I had to, I have no insurance.