So this summer I'm supposed to be going to Germany for six weeks. I'm kind of scared. That's a long time and I've never been out of the country, even to Canada which is right next door. Stress isn't much of a trigger for me but I'm afraid that six weeks in a foreign country for the first time will be a lot to handle. Not to mention I planned on moving out that summer as well!
I would much prefer if they did a super intensive program for three weeks and no three day weekends, but what do I know? I know it will stress me out. I'm a bit OCD about things (hurt my fingers a lot even, I don't mean to) and it will make them worse, I know it. For example, a week not seeing my boyfriend and I get anxious and mess with my fingers and get almost depressed, hope that doesn't sound pathetic. I trust him with everything, but the bad past experiences with other guys make me weird sometimes, etc. Anyway this isn't really about him.
Ugh. I'm not sure if I should try to tough it out or get them to make an alternate thing at home for me. I do want to go, I'm just not really ready.
Even though it's not til May, even now when I think about it I get a bit worried. What are your thoughts? Thanks for reading.