Posted 10/22/2009 2:18 AM (GMT 0)
I am so new to this, diagnosed Sept. 15 I can't tell what is hemmorroid bleeding or UC bleeding. I think my "denial" thinks hemmorhoids, of course. I know I have hemmies and fissures, but bowel movements produce nothing (or blood I can't see) and blips of diarrhea produce drops of blood and little bits hanging out around the diarrhea.
I tapered fast -- per doctor --- from 40 to 5. 40-20-10-5...
AT 5, I started having diarrhea -- not bad, really -- what I thought was hemmorrhoid blood probably wasn't
I'So he put me back on 20. today, no blood, this evening, yeah, a little....
Should I give 20 some time, or call the doctor.
Any thoughts