spooglesmom said...
Hi Blue5-
This is my first post, I am going to post one about my daughter (she is 14 and developmentally disabled), who is the one with ulcerative colitis, but I saw yours and thought I'd comment. She too has tried Remicade after IV steroids, 5ASA's & everything else failed to get her any where near a remission (she was hospitilized for her first flare for a month, non stop oozing bloody bms).
When we finally tried the Remicade, it took a full two weeks to work, and then she had two weeks of remission and started to bleed again. Long story short, a year later we are still tweaking the doseage and frequency of the Remicade infusions to keep ahead of her flares. She had a nice long remission for 6 months.
Do you ever become anemic? She was recently hospitalized for anemia, whilst in the hospital they gave her Remicade since she was due, but bumped her from 5mg/kg to 10mg/kg. That was last Friday and she is just now showing signs of being blood free. We are still evaluating whether it works or not, but we want to avoid surgery if at all possible.
You can try the other anti TNFs, Humira and now there's Cimzia, they are very similar to Remicade, but different enough that they might work for you better.
good luck and I hope you get into remission soon and feel better!
Mom of 14-yr old with Pancolitis
I was bleeding or about
15 months. When I used Zosyn and Flucanozole, it stopped. When I stopped them, it came back. Then, after 2 days of Rowasa, it has stopped ever since.