I think I am pretty much in remission...I have a new problem:
I have pleurisy..I saw the GP for this and she wanted to prescribe an NSAID. It is my understanding that they are contraindicated with UC because it can induce flares...
I am not hurting too bad from the pleurisy, but now I have this awful headache and acetomephine is not helping...
Is it a really big chance that the NSAID will cause a flare? Would you take them. These are heavy duty ones for a full 10 days...I do see the GI tomarrow so I will be asking him as well, but I wanted some opinions before I saw him..
My GP felt that my GI dr should referm me to a Reumetoligist (sp?) so I would have someone to better treat the extraneous problems with UC. Is this common? I never know which Dr to call when I have problems..