Well, we're all entitled to some wishful thinking!
I was thinking, well, maybe....
along the lines of "even though I have UC, it still could be a tummy bug" there would be
"even though I have UC it could be an internal hemmie or a fissure...." Right? I mean, blood with one of us most likely means a flare, but it "could" be something else.
Re. your husband, though; I guess you're thinking maybe he's had UP all along....?
The genetics of this are not straightforward and are (I think) interesting. We've discussed them on other threads.... I had a maternal aunt with Crohn's; and a second cousin of mine (not that aunt's daughter) has several kids with UC.....but I do wonder how often it was misdiagnosed or just "not spoken about
" because of the, um, impolite nature of the topic....? But neither of my parents had IBD.
But then my son does.
So....I am certain that within our kids' lifetime there will be a way to cure this thing other than by surgery.