The past few days I have noticed some changes in my condition and once again, I have been thinking positive and hoping for the best even though I thought *maybe* it was going to get worse.
The first thing I noticed was hairloss. I am starting to wonder if losing hair is due to a flare more than it is due to the meds? Next, bloating followed by reduced appetite. about a day later I had bad D two times. It wasn't constant D, just bad D on 2 different occassions. I wasn't going frequently and my stools were firm, no blood. about a day later, I saw a drop of blood. That was yesterday. Fast forward to today, I have already been in the bathroom 4x and it has been loose. I also have my period which is making things worse. The BMs are always preceeded by cramping and one time I went to the toilet and nothing was there except a bit of mucus - sorry for the pretty picture.
Things are defintely getting worse. What do I do? Should I call my doctor?? should I try doubling my rectal meds? Should I increase my meds? should I take it easy? Is it possible that my period is making this happen?
I am worried. It is crazy that I could go from being healthy 3 or 4 days ago to BAD today. I am scared to leave the house but I really want to go out. I am going. I hope I don't crap my pants.
Maybe I need to change my name back to SicklyGirl.
Hope everyone has a great day.