quincy said...
it could be, but I'd lean more toward rectal inflammation. You should also be on rectal meds..or are you? If yes, which ones?
Stress/IBS can also cause ribbon stools. The lighter colour is sometimes caused by food or fast transit through the colon...
It's good you're feeling better somewhat.
Hi quicy- I am not to take the rectal meds now due to them increasing problems withmy pevlic floor issue. For example- my stools right now are very diareah like but my body will not allow it to pass becuase Ihave difficulty relaxing my pubic rectalis muscle. that is why I was at Mayo for 3 weeks. My body is so dang tense inside i do't even realize it. Ihave been using rectal bio- feedback to address all of this.
So ucomfortable to have loose stool but ot be able to make it pass. UGH. I amsure it is ralted to havig a flare too evenn though I am ot bleeding as much.
Is it possible to be in a flare without blood and mucous? I am s so use to hanig that most of the time.