Hi, I am sort of new here as I have not visited this site for a few years and when I did I think I only posted once or twice.
After having a severe flare where I was hospitalised 3 times back in 2005, I acheived remission by taking Azathioprine which allowed me to finally come off pred. I only stayed on it for 4 months however as it caused me to have severe hair loss, nausea and I generally felt very low.
I managed to stay in remission until fairly recently, where I am flaring but not as severely as I have done in the past.
My recent colonoscopy showed moderate left sided colitis and my consultant wants me to start taking 6 mp, which I am not keen on doing. I have been prescribed a 4 week course of clipper 5mg gastro-resistant prolonged release tablets (beclometasone dipropionate) and have to go back once the course is finished to see how effective they have been and whether I can avoid starting the 6 mp. I also take 3x3 Balsalazide daily.
I would be grateful if anyone could tell me if they have taken clipper 5mg and how effective it is, as I really don't want to take immnosuppressants again. Also, has anyone experienced any side effects with clipper? My consultant tells me that this is a new steroid without the horrible side effects such as moon face, excessive hunger etc. Also it is just one tablet per day without the need to taper.