I'm new to this website. I've had Ulcerative Colitis for almost 5 years. I was on Asacol (12 tabs a day) for most of that time (med price went up in cost so I had to change) - I have just switched to Apriso 4 tabs a day. For the most part I was going every morning and sometimes a couple of times a day. I've been having issues with blood in my bowel for quite some time now. Sometimes worse than others with tissue looking pieces in with it (almost like clots). Just starting Apriso this past week - now I'm having issues not going everyday. Lots of times I get the feeling I have to go - then I get there and I don't - mostly gas.
I switched my diet to eating mostly Vegan with the exception of Fish (I kept fish in my diet - makes it easier when you go out to eat in my area) it's just over a year now. I also take a probiotic once in the morning. I've been doing a green smoothie for breakfast for the past month (which I seem to have more energy). I'm about 30 lbs overweight and working on loosing that with cutting calories and working out.
Doctors seem to think what you eat has nothing to do with the Colitis (I have to disagree on that) especially with all the chemicals that are going into the food products these days. I do my best to eat organic when I can and I eat mostly veg, beans, fruits. I've also thought recently that wheat maybe part of my problem (gluten). I'm doing my best to stay away form any wheat (which is in a lot of products). Since I've started doing that this past month - my stomach doesn't feel so bloated.......I believe my Colon is so irritated this is why I'm still having issues.
I started reading some books on Ulcerative Colitis (China Study, right now I'm reading Self Healing Colitis & Crohns) I think staying away from most meats and processed foods is a good thing. If not for the Colitis - for just being healthy overall.
I was reading that taking Asacol could deplete bone density (now I'm on boniva once a month pill - granted I'm at that age of bone loss). But I wonder if it has anything to do with taking the Asacol for so long.
I worry about getting colon cancer (there is family history of that). What I would love to do is get off these meds all together. Has anyone gone to a Holistic doctor and had any luck with them? It seems both of these pills haven't really helped me over the past several months. I've even taken the canasa suppository's - they do seem to help a little - but then it goes back to blood again in the stool - I don't want keep putting all these meds into my system.
All response welcome - mostly interested in a more natural way to help this issue.