Need help please. I have been diagnosed with severe UC of the whole colon in Sep 09 about
two weeks into my first flare. Was put on 30 mg Prednisone which helped in about
a week and was then put on 4 pills/daily of Apriso. Apriso never helped much in my opinion but never quit taking it. Flared again in January 2010 and Predinsone 30 mg/daily helped again.
about two-three weeks ago I started flaring again and this weekend it got really bad with at least 20-30 bloody diarrheas a day. Lost about 20 pounds in 20 days. My GI started me on 20 mg Pred two weeks ago, this Saturday the doctor on call suggested hospitalization but then upped the Pred to 60 mg to see if it helps. On Monday (yesterday) it got even worse and my GI increased it to 80 mg. Already took 80 mg for two days but it hasn't helped yet. I am still taking 4 Apriso pills a day. Started VSL#3 yesterday. Took two packets yesterday and three today. Also took one Turmeric pill today. So far I am not seeing any improvement yet from anything I am taking.
Could some of you with more experience please let me know if they think 80 mg of Prednisone is too much and also, how soon should I expect to see improvement with such a high dose. I get very tired from Pred, get a very bad back pain, I am generally very tired, and my heart rate is crazy high sometimes. Do you think hospitalization is the better decision at this time?
Sorry for such a long post and thank you all.