So I have finally come to terms that I am having a mild flare. BMS are up from 1-2 a day decent size bms to 4-5 small, skinny suckers with blood mixed in. I am also having some abdominal cramping and lots of smelly gas as well.
Before this all started I was already on 8 Salofalk per day, 1 4g salofalk enema at night and vsl 1 packet daily. I would really like to know how a flare made it past all those meds :(
I have since added one more salofalk tablet per day and a salofalk suppository in the am. Not seeing any results yet but I want to be patient and see if I Can get over this without any steroids.
Here are some questions I have regarding this latest flare:
1. IF this is not a flare and it is internal hemmies causing issues- would that cause an increase in bms and thinner stools? or would it just be blood?
2. usually in the morning after doing a salofalk enema, my gas may smell really bad..i think its the enema because that smell only started when i started doing them a couple months ago. IT would only be in the morning until I had a bm and then no more smelly salofalk gas. BUT NOW, I have these salofalk farts all day long ??? Is it possible that salofalk is not being absorbed right now and that is why I seem to be flaring??
3. I called the GI I went to see for a second opinion and he said he doesnt think this is a big deal. He said that when he looked at me a month ago things looked great and thin stools are nothing to worry about..even ribbon like stools mean nothing he said..????????????????? He said thats just the muscle and sometimes stools will be different shapes? WTH is he talking about..I think he is WRONG. Not going back to see him again either.
4....and it possible I have overmedicated myself and that is why I am flaring now?
I have continued to do the enemas nightly even though I was fine..I planned on tapering them this weekend to every other night but now i dont know what to do anything..
I know these are alot of questions but they are all very valid to me. I hope I can get some different insights.
Yes I know I have had alot going on with surgery and Im on my period now and whatnot but this seemed to have been brewing up for a couple weeks now before all of that.