I think the meds I am on are working OK. I have been at a point whre I was loosely taking my orals and no rectals at all and the flare was AWFUL . This is a walk in the park compared to that.
I can bet if someone looked inside right now that the bottom would be quiet and thats why I dont really want to try steroid enemas right now..
I am having blood work done everu 3 months already. What are the tests that need to be done for pancreas and liver?
The pains are not that bad..they are uncomfortable for a few moments until I pass gas or have a bm and then they go away..sometimes none of the two happen and they just go away..but they are in the transverse and a bit to the left. I think that is the culprit...the area where the enemas just can not reach...so I may need more orals.
ETA: I dont know what Pentasa or another mesalamine tablet would do as they are all the same in terms of the active stuff working..its either mesalamine or steroids.