Not exclusively a native american remedy but my grandmother heard of it from our neighbor who recommended a book that was a book of Native American remedys for sicknesses. Its a plant called Plantain native americans called it "white man's foot" according to the book. It says to brew the plant whole (roots, stems, leaves, and seed pod) into a tea and drink it and that it is supposed to alleviate UC symptoms it also says in the book that it is recommended by the russian government for UC in russia. In order to find it to try it out I had to
open my back door its everywhere where I live(north alabama). Google has a few results about
it I didnt read too much I've got some drying out to try for myself, seeing is believing. Just wondering if anyone else has heard of this or tried it? If what helps me get into and maintain remission has been growing in my unmowed back yard this whole time I'd be extremly happy and upset that I didnt find it sooner. I know its prolly a long shot, Im prolly gonna opt for surgery this fall anyway so a little T&E cant hurt anything.
heres a link to a picture of the plant