I'm just writing about
how awesome I feel now that I am on Humira. I tried everything since I was diagnosed, and nothing ever worked very long.
What I tried:
Colazol (still on it now)
After being in the hospital a bunch for UC flares and being on 60 mg of prednisone for almost 5 months (causing me to gain about
60 lbs in 3 months, as well as other horrid side effects, but that is a story for another time), my doctor upped my 6MP (I had been on a lower dose since I was diagnosed) which in a month landed me back in the hospital due to a terrifying case of neutr
openia. Needless to say, I stopped that.
Then, I started Remicade and felt okay for about
a month but then started getting a rash on my face and after maybe the 4th infusion the rash was horrid and itchy, and I also became EXTREMELY lethargic, as well as anemic and I had really bad vitamin B12 and D (I think) deficiencies. I was on all kinds of medications for the side effects, and the Remicade wasn't working very well to stop my UC symptoms anyway. After a few months of being absolutely miserable, I talked with my doctor, and (faced with the only realistic options of either going on Humira or having surgery) I opted to go on Humira.
I had no idea that it was going to do such a good job! I feel 97% like a normal human being now! Sure, I have to avoid certain foods or I get some GI upset, but I have my energy and old life back! Sometimes I even forget I have UC. I am so happy my life is no longer under the control of a disease, and I am not scared to go out, wondering if I will get hit with a wave of cramping or diarrhea .
I guess my point is: don't give up! Out of so many options, one may work! And it very well may be the last option you have!