I have been randomly feeling a bit of discomfort in my intestines/stomach over the last week. Well, this AM I woke up at 4am with a feeling I sometimes get, and aching almost "hungry" feeling. I usually try to lay of my stomach when i get this feeling. Well, I woke up and took my AM colazal 2 hours early in case.
I woke up for work at 6am, and had a strange diarrhea. There was a LOT of water/liquid passing, but absolutely no discomfort as I usually get - no pain, burning, nor even gas. I was astonished when I looked in the bowl. The center of the bowl was just a brackish yellow diarrhea fluid. There were some unidentifiable particles that didn't look like tissue or blood. But on the outside ring of the toilet bowl, there was A LOT of what looked like sesame seeds, or storebought minced garlic, floating along the outside of the bowl, almost out of the waterline.
I could not identify having eaten anything with many sesame seeds lately, but I did eat white rice the night before, and had been snacking on macadamia nuts for several days prior in the mornings.
I took a photograph of this on my cell phone, kinda wish i took a sample, but it was early.
I had to come home from work, as i started feeling lightheaded, nauseaus, a bit gross, and fatigued. Once I got home I could tell I have a fever, and am having body ache and fever now 6 hours later. Haven't eaten anything yet, probably try to get something easy down in about an hour.
Any idea what this is? What would you do? I've never seen diarrhea like that.