I went to my primary doc yesterday and she told me that when you have uc that your birth control pills effectiveness is lowered big time. She also said since they aren't 100% sure that I don't have drug induced lupus yet that I have a high high chance of getting blood clots from the pill if I do in fact have lupus from the remicade.
She said that the pill is mostly absorbed in your small intestine but that with uc you don't absorb everything and that I shouldn't be on this because it ups the chance that I could get pregnant.
Now we don't want anymore kids and I don't want to get pregnant on the meds I'm on and since the remi isn't working. Don't you think a GI should know this and should have told me this. I wouldn't have been happy had I got pregnant. They want to put a IUD in instead.
This is a new primary doc and I really like her. My last primary didn't say a word either. Sometimes I think docs know about as much as we do.