For the past few days I have had some itching, burning and discharge down below..I was thnking it was a yeast infection but just went to a walkin clinic and had a swab and it could be Bacterial Vaginosis apparently..I have no idea how I would have gotten that other than I began to be itchy after a hot shower on Sat. Not sure if I messed up the ph in here but anyway..
They did not give me anything cause I told them NO ANTIBIOTICS cuz of UC but they said if it comes back positive they may need to give me Flagyl?????
Has anyone ever had this? Is this going to flare me up??? Any other way of getting rid of this?
I am hoping its just a yeast infection and I will get something OTC and be done with it..
Im more scared of the antibiotics then the BV itself..
CAn taking probiotics help get rid of tihs? Any vaginal supporting ones??