Posted 12/21/2010 9:53 PM (GMT 0)
In the UK it is completely free through the NHS. They recommend an endoscopy every two years, normally. I had my first on the onset of UC, to confirm the diagnosis. My second was two years later, as a check up and because my symptoms were getting worse. My third was only a year after that, but it was because my doctor was getting considered about my weight loss.
I was going through my worst flare-up back then, and couldn't hold in food or nutrition for the constant diarrhoea. I think the doctor wanted to be sure that UC hadn't turned into something much worse, like bowels cancer. I believe this is also the reason they start yearly endoscopies after 10 years of first diagnosis, as it is from then on the UC sufferers have an increase risk of developing bowels cancer, as compared to the rest of the wider population.