I have been paying attention to food/gut reactions for almost a year now and cannot answer your question.
Some foods/liquids can cause a reaction within 30 minutes (caffeine types) and others can take 24 hours. And then there are others that I feel can build up over several days.
There are really no "one size fits all" answers about
food reaction, but I speak for myself. The best thing is to find a base diet that you KNOW is tolerated by your gut and add one food at a time, waits 3 days and add another if there are no symptoms. Yes a very slow process.
Although my gut showed quick response to removing gluten by stopping bleeding no other response has been that dramatic. Even caffeine reaction varied from day to day which is why it took me soooo long to give it up. Some days no reaction, other days whammo.
I'll just put random notes here FWIW:
fruit-next day loose BM's
fruit juice-sooner and stronger D
alcohol-next day loose BM's (the evening consumed however no problems)
dairy-sometimes same day D but definitely the next day problems
fried chicken store-bought- knocked me down the next day (grease? flour coating? salt? dunno)
for me this comes from continued breaking of my diet or caffeine etc.
can be knocked back with one Rowasa enema if diet maintained.
However it took several months of diet control to get to this point, I assume inflammation has been reduced a great deal from when I started.
Before diet mod. I had to get up one or more times during sleep due to urgency. Have not had this in over 6 months now. Getting enough sleep is gut-friendly also, a catch-22 when flaring.
Sorry I can't be more help. Even if I could give you exact times it would still need to be checked on your gut.
P.S. I am currently experimenting with sake, a sulfite-free wine made from rice. Results not in yet.