Moderation isn't something you do, I don't think you need to do Canasa and enemas.
I think you should have done the canada between the night enema, one night Canasa when you started tapering.
Your exercise regimen might be part of it.
You should be sticking to the's not taken to produce the perfect bm, it's also a prebiotic to help the probiotics to work better, it's also to help your colon work well, it's also for a lot of other things when taken consistently.
You might very well have a bladder infection...or irritation?
sore throat could be from various reasons .... reflux, allergies, dry air, virus...
Moderation and least in the things you can control with the least emotions and most knowledge. That to me says for you .... UC meds, scheduling for your meds and not vigorous exercise. You seem to have a pattern of thinking that if you have no UC symptoms all is perfect.
Not that all suggestions work for everyone, but when you ask the same question a multitude of times, I would assume you might at the very least give it a shot.
Seems things aren't so good at this point, so I'd suggest nightly enemas again.
How long were you on nightly enemas, by the way at this point? I know of some who have been on them for a year....with the OK of the doc. I'm meaning 5ASA...not steroid.
As of 10 days ago...did you just go to every second night using the enemas and doing it since then?
But, you're learning and you put out the alarm earlier....less symptoms, less knee-jerk reaction to symptoms..which is great!
Last bit of advice....never use others as a measuring stick to your own situation. There will always be others who are in a worse condition, doesn't mean you shouldn't maintain your own to feel well as best you can.
Keep us posted.