I have seen many who have violent flares with lots of BM and blood.
My symptoms seem to be dramatically different. I was DX with mild/moderate pancolitis in July 2009. At the time, my flare was lots of urgency, mucous, and a little blood. After taking 4 lialda a day, the majority of my symptoms almost immediately cleared up. The GI said he expected things to still be soft...which they were.
A few months later the symptoms began to return and I was increased to 6 lialda a day plus canasa every night for 2 weeks which brought things back in check. I was then taken off of canasa.
Since, my condition seemed to remain somewhat constant, but I don't think I can ever say I was truly in remission. Then again, I don't think I know what that means.
Every day since, I probably have 2 BM, but usually very soft and not very formed. I haven't had too much pain and no blood.
But, lately things seemed to have worsen again, with pain all over my left side (sometimes burning, sometimes cramping), sometimes the center of my chest and sometimes my right side. BMs are now more like 4 or 5. Very loose occasionally D. I have started the canasa again, but it doesn't seem to be working.
Is this a new flare or just one that never went away??? Has anyone experienced this? Is it unreasonable to expect everything to go back to the way it was before July 2009, or do I need to change my expectations?
I am going back to my GI in a couple weeks and want to have some ideas.
Thanks in advance!