Lewser said...
I'm sorry to hear about your brother. I will keep you in my prayers. I took supositories and later on enemas and Azacol. They worked for me for a time, but for some reason my doctor cut me off when we found out the medication was working for me. I'm not sure you should stop taking a medication if it works for you...I did have a lot of bleeding like you. My colitis was crazy and got worse very fast. I'm not a fan of prednisone. My own brother had ulcerative colitis like me and he took it for years. It worked for him, but he had a lot of side affects. I took it for a time, and I think it made my condition so much worse. I just want to let you know what to look out for. I'm assuming your doctor told you that you'll probobly need surgery some time in your life - which is good, because it cures colitis. I was having bleeding like you and eventually I needed to go to the hospital to figure out what medication worked for me. I took Remacade and it takes a long time to explain what it is and does, but I will strongly suggest not to take it. I should have chosen surgery first - I ended up having emergency surgery anyway because of the Remacade. This message is very long and crazy, but so is my experience with colitis. Just want you to know there is always hope and it will get better. It won't always be like this.
Wow - scary. Does that mean I will need to eventually have surgery?