Jules05 said...
I seem to be able to eat whatever I like. Nothing makes any difference. I flare up because I'm trying taper off my steroids, not because I've eaten anything in particular. Wierd. I've yet to come across anyone else like this!
I suspect most people are like this, yet suffer from mental delusions about
foods they can and cannot eat. Food isn't what causes or fixes flare-ups. I can concede, however, that while in a flare-up, some foods tend to be more bothersome than others - in other words, some foods aren't as well-tolerated by our inflamed colons as other foods.
I have some friends that swear that they cannot eat this or thsat food, or else they'll descend into a flare-up. I know they believe what they say, but it just doesn't make any sense. Unless they're hanging onto "remission" by a thread, it makes no sense that a food would induce an episode of severe symptoms.