pb4 said...
Hey Duckstar,
One of the major differences between crohn's (regardless of which part of the GI tract it's affecting) and UC is that the inflammation is always patchy, with UC the inflammation is continuouse (the entire area affected is inflamed with no patchy/skipped pattern of inflammation). The actual part that is inflamed with crohn's has some healthy tissues among it unlike with UC where the entire area that is inflamed will have no healthy tissue.
Also, when my CD is in a very sever flare, I get the worst lower back pain (this is fairly common for UCers as well since the colon is affected it's likely the reason for the lower back pain), my back pain always covers my entire lower back (I feel for ya cuz I know how awful it can be).
Unfortunately with these diseases, I don't think we can ever say things like "always" or "never". I have CD. I had continuous inflammation in my colon--several pathologists thought it was UC until I had surgery and began getting inflammation in the small intestine