my story...have what they say is antibiotic induced ulceritive colitis. had a toxic megacolon. had emergency surg. in September of last year. they took out almost all my colon but a small piece. wore bag for 3 months, then got hooked back up with what i got left January of this year. Now having blood again, piece left obviously still pretty irritated. got me on 1000mg canasa. seemed to help at first, but not really now.
I had no problems before last year. really don't want to try bunch of meds. just waiting i guess for enough time to pass to where they can do surg again and form a jpouch. its been a frustrating time for both me and my family, but we're stronger than this. happy to be alive after what i went through though.
guess I just wanna have input with someone whos been through the same. don't have anyone but doctors to talk bout it to really, so could use some comments, advice, somethin