hey..feel your pain...in the dating world it's no different...though in college there are more options
From my experience I wouldn't' share "too soon" the UC, else it'll scare someone off thinking you have something contagious, etc. People are ignorant about
this disease, just the way it is. Been There. Done That.
What I've been doing is more giving than less receiving(when I feel like crap)..some nights I have no desire to "take my pants off" because I have gas, or what have you. In those cases it's all about
me giving pleasure to them if you know what I mean, become an expert, she'll wonder why you're so giving, and want to return to return the favor...try it out!
If you truly don't feel good and don't want to even see them, try other forms of communication...IM..text..phone...and just say I'm under the weather, you just want until I'm better, or something like that
good luck man, it's tough, but the right girls will stick with you