To answer your queston right on, the answer is yes. People have been known to lower their Imuran dosage with no issues. I originally started at 200 mg and asked me doc to lower my dosage just because deep down I want to get off of it IF I can handle my colitis with no Imuran. With my docs permission I lowered my dosage to 150 mg with no problems what so ever. I had a colonscopy pre Imuran and post Imuran and my colon was about 95% healed. There was still a little patch of inflammation in my rectum so my doc added canasa. I asked about lowering my Imuran to 100 mg. He said that if I can get my rectum healed with the Canasa that he would approve that. So I have been on Canasa for about 6 months. He plans on doing a flex sigmoid, if healed then down the Imuran dosage. My goal would be just to use Canasa and no Imuran. My understanding is that if you can keep the rectum under control then your colitis will be in check. He said he has heard of people getting on Imuran because they had to and then eventually getting off it. He said it's rare but he has heard of this.