Hi nourse and welcome to the forum.
Your change in BM's is probably because of your change in diet. Our guts aren't in the best shape and changes always makes mine grumpy. If you've started eating more fiber or a different sort of fiber that could be an issue.
The first time I tried SCD it didn't give me positive results. I don't know exactly why but years later (in 2010) I tried again, keeping close attention to how my gut reacted to each food and this time it worked, or I got it right, whatever I'm glad.
My guess is that your gut does
not like something you are eating if it's acting different than before. But you are the only person who can figure what that food or drink is causing the problem. Just because it's SCD legal doesn't mean your gut got that memo lol. In my case my gut cannot handle the yogurt, causes me D. Too bad cause I love the homemade yogurt and got really good at making it.
If you are eating nuts I highly suggest soaking them to get rid of an enzyme. Also don't eat many of them, the fiber is hard to process in the beginning. Some people have trouble digesting almond flour (not me). I have trouble with almonds with the skin on, too much fiber so I eat skinless almonds.
I tell you this not for you to imitate but to understand that just because a food is SCD legal doesn't mean your gut can handle them yet. When you are more healed maybe they'll be OK.
SCD was not an overnight miracle for me but is real and given me remission never gotten with Rx meds.
Most of the recipes I wanted in the beginning were desserts which I sorely missed especially baked goods.
Here's one of my faves: carrot cake. I cut down on the amount of honey and didn't use the orange juice.
www.scdrecipe.com/recipes-cake/carrot-cake/Go to the library and check out these books. My tiny public library had the second one and I requested the other on interlibrary loan. I don't do many dinners with recipes, too easy to broil a chicken breast and cook a veggie. But desserts... oh yeah I love a nice bit of dessert daily. If you like biscotti I can post my walnut almond biscotti recipe. I make a batch once a week and have biscotti at tea-time every afternoon.
www.amazon.com/Recipes-Specific-Carbohydrate-Diet-Lactose-Free/dp/159233282X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1304370784&sr=8-1www.amazon.com/Eat-Well-Feel-Carbohydrate--Compliant/dp/0307590607/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1304370837&sr=8-2Good luck with your SCD start. Keep drinking a lot of water, helps moves things along. Are you keeping a food journal? If not please start one, helps you remember what all you ate yesterday and what the culprits might be in todays meltdown.